1200 square foot daylight photo studio located in Worcester Massachusetts

16 foot corner cyc wall

Use the table as a prop or to stage props, have lunch, or meet at.

The large industrial windows allow for beautiful natural lighting, or close the blackout curtains for better control

David Chapman Designs Hollywood mirror for hair and make up

Timeless front door of the Historic Higgins Armory Building where the Amy Rose Productions Studio is located.

Exterior of the Historic Higgins Armory Building where the Amy Rose Productions Studio is located.

The Studio provides a base kit of equipment for all bookings that includes garment rack, sand bags, apple boxes, A clamps, and Black and White V Flats

The Studio provides a base kit of equipment for all bookings that includes garment rack, sand bags, apple boxes, and A clamps

The Studio can provide seating for events, workshops, pop ups, and meetings

The Studio can provide seating for events, workshops, pop ups, and meetings